- N. Hirayama and N. Fukuwa : Significance of Disaster Debris Reduction for Disaster Waste Management, The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2011.3
- M. Mori, N. Fukuwa, T. Nishizawa K. Umemura, J. Miyakoshi, A. Oana, K. Dan, H.Takahashi, S. Ito : Estimation of Earthquake Ground Motions by Mega-quake along Nankai Trough for Structural Design in Tokai Region, Japan, proceedings of 17th WCEE, 12p., 2020.9
- J. Tobita and N. Fukuwa : Long-Term Vibration Experiment of a Base Isolated Building, proceedings of 17th WCEE, 12p., 2020.9
- Y. Terashima, N. Fukuwa : Variation of Long-period Groud Motion Caused by SMGA Distribution of the Ssagami Trough Earthquake, 14p., proceedings of 17th WCEE, 14p., 2020.9
- T.Hirai and N.Fukuwa : Green’s Function Database And Detailed Ground Motion Prediction For Central Japan Based On The Reciprocity Theorem, Proc. Of 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,, 12p., Paper No.221, Santiago Chile, 2017.1
- H.Takahashi and N.Fukuwa : Three-Dimensional Surface Layer Model For Strong Motion And Liquefaction Prediction, Proc. Of 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,, 11p., Paper No.1185, Santiago Chile, 2017.1
- O.C.Ogut, M.Mori and N.Fukuwa : Effect Of Rocking Foundation Input Motion On The Nonlinear Response Characteristics Of Superstructure, Proc. Of 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,, 11p., Paper No.2761, Santiago Chile, 2017.1
- D.Matsuura, S.Ishida, M.Akramin, E.B.Küçüktabak, Y.Sugahara, Y.Takeda, N.Fukuwa and M.Yoshida : Conceptual Design of Cable Driven Parallel Mechanism for Planar Earthquake Simulator, Proceedings of 21st CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control, 8p., 2016.6, Udine, Italy
- N.Fukuwa: The Practice and the Role of Earthquake Engineering Researchers in Constructing a Resilient Society, World Engineering Conference and Convention, OS8-3-3, 6p., 2015.12
- Takao Nishizawa, Kazuhiro Yoshihara, Nobuo Fukuwa and Yasuhiro Suzuki : Design of Base Isolated Buildings Built Right above a Fault, Proceedings of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.122, 10p., Lisbon, 2012.9
- T. Hirai and N. Fukuwa : Estimation of Crustal Deformation and Magnitude of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake Using Strong Ground Motion Records, Proceedings of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.371, 10p., Lisbon, 2012.9
- T. Hirai, K. Kurata, N. Fukuwa and M. Mori : Synthesis of Earthquake Sound Using Seismic Motion Record and its Application to Audiovisual Earthquake Experience System, Proceedings of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.380, 9p., Lisbon, 2012.9
- Y. Ishii & K. Dan, H. Takahashi, J. Miyakoshi, M. Mori and N. Fukuwa : Source modeling of hypothetical Tokai-Tonankai-Nankai, Japan, Earthquake and Strong Ground Motion Simulation Using the Empirical Green’s Functions, Proceedings of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.978, 8p., Lisbon, 2012.9
- D. Sato, Y. Shimada, H. Ouchi, Y. Oshita, H. Kitamura, T. Nagae, K. Fukuyama, K. Kajiwara, T. Inoue, M. Nakashima, T. Saito and N. Fukuwa : E-Defense Shaking Table Tests on a Steel High-rise Building Retrofitted by Dampers against Long-period Ground Motions, Proceedings of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.1493, 8p., Lisbon, 2012.9
- M. Mori, N. Fukuwa, J. Tobita and T. Suzuki : Simplified Evaluation Methods for Impedance and Foundation Input Motion of Embedded Foundation, Proceedings of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.2097, 10p., Lisbon, 2012.9
- F. Zhou, M. Mori and N. Fukuwa : A New Uplift Foundation Analysis Model to Simulate Dynamic Nonlinear Soil-Structure-Interaction, Proceedings of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.2191, 10p., Lisbon, 2012.9
- J. Tobita, N. Fukuwa, T. Nishizawa and K. Imaeda : Long-term Structural Monitoring and Damage Detection of High-rise Buildings by use of Fiber Optic Sensors, Proceedings of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.3756, 8p., Lisbon, 2012.9
- M. Yoshizawa, T. Nagae, K. Fukuyama, T. Inoue, K. Kajiwara, T. Saito, N. Fukuwa, H. Kitamura and M. Nakashima : Seismic Loss of Functionality in High-Rise and Low-Rise Office Buildings: The 2011 E-Defense Shaking Table Test, Proceedings of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.3977, 10p., Lisbon, 2012.9
- J.Tobita and N.Fukuwa:New Approach for Strong Motion Observation using Low-cost Sensors in collaboration with Nonprofessional Partners, 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, 2011.3
- T.Nishizawa, T.Ohno, J.Tobita and N.Fukuwa: Measurement Using Optical Fiber Sensors in order to Ensure and Keep Track of the Quality and Performance of Buildings from the Design to Post-Competion Stages, 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 15p., 2010.7
- J. Tobita, N. Fukuwa and Y. Hirata: Structural Damage Evaluation of High-Rise Buildings Subjected to Long-Period Earthquake Shaking by Use of Strong Motion Accelerographs and Fiber Optic Sensors, 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 11p., 2010.7
- N.Fukuwa, J.Tobita, M.Mori, E.Koide, T.Hanai : Developement of Vibration Experiment Education Material for Structural and Soil Dynamics, Proceedings of 14th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 12-03-0109, Beijing, 2008.10 (DVD-ROM)
- J.Tobita, N.Fukuwa, M.Mori, H.Sakaue, H.Takahashi and T.Hanai:WebGIS Simulator for Promotion of Seismic Retrofitting and Community Disaster Mitigation Activities, Proceedings of 14th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.09-01-0023, Beijing, 2008.10 (DVD-ROM)
- H.Takahashi, N.Fukuwa, H.Senga, K.Hayashi, M.Mori, J.Tobita: Strong Ground Motion Prediction by Using New Analysis Method Named ‘Pseudo Empirical Green’s Function Procedure’, Proceedings of 14th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 03-03-0031, Beijing, 2008.10 (DVD-ROM)
- M.Mori, N.Fukuwa and J.Tobita : Influence of Seismometer Foundation, Adjacent Building and Surface Ground Condition on Strong Motion Records, Proceedings of 14th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.02-0052, Beijing, 2008.10 (DVD-ROM)
- J.Toyosawa, K.Karasawa and N.Fukuwa : Effect of the Fear-arousing Communication for Disaster Preparedness Actions and Longitudinal Changes of Fear and Risk Perception, Paper No.C16, 9th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Albuquerque, 2008.2
- N.Fukuwa: Vibration Experiment Education Materials and Web-GIS Simulators to Promote Seismic Retrofitting, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Seismic Risk Reduction, pp.81-92, Bucharest, 2007.4
- N.Fukuwa : Development of Education Materials for Soil and Structural Dynamics, Fourth US-Japan Workshop on Soil Structure Interaction, Tsukuba, 2007. 3
- N.Fukuwa and X.Wen : An Efficient Soil Structure Interaction Analysis Method of a Large Scale Pile Group, Fourth US-Japan Workshop on Soil Structure Interaction, Tsukuba, 2007.3
- M.Mori, N.Fukuwa and X.Wen : Evaluation of a large scale pile group for a nonlinear earthquake response analysis of pile-supported building by using frame models, Fourth US-Japan Workshop on Soil Structure Interaction, Tsukuba, 2007.3
- J. Tobita and N. Fukuwa : On-line Monitoring
for Dynamic Response and Environmental Conditions of Buildings with Web-based
Interface and Database, Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring,
- N. Fukuwa and J.
Tobita : Key Parameters Governing the Dynamic Response of Long-Period Structures,
International Workshop on Long-Period Ground Motion Simulation and Velocity
Structures Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, 8p.,
- H.Kojima, N.Fukuwa
and J.Tobita : Strategic Observation Program for Dynamic Response of Buildings,
The First International Conference on Advances in Experimental, Structural
Engineering (AESE 2005), pp.703-710, 2005.7
- S.Nakata, T.Hanai,
S.Kiriyama and N.Fukuwa : Comparison of Seismic Performance of Base-isolated
House with Various Devices, The First International Conference on Advances
in Experimental,Structural Engineering (AESE 2005), pp.497-504, 2005.7
- J.Tobita, H.Kojima
and N.Fukuwa : Web Based Online Monitoring and Database Systems for Dynamic
Response of Structures and Ground, Structural Engineering (AESE 2005), pp.687-694,
- N.Fukuwa, J.Tobita,
and H.Kojima : Proposal of Strategic Seismic Observation of Soil-Structure
System and Data Publication through Web, 13th World Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Vancouver, Paper No. 483, 10p., 2004.8
- J.Tobita, and N.Fukuwa:
Systems and Programs for Community Disaster Mitigation Activities, 13th World
Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Paper No. 899, 6p., 2004.8
- T.Hanai, S.Nakata,
S.Kiriyama, and N.Fukuwa: Comparison of Seismic Performance of Base-Isolated
House with Various Devices, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Vancouver, Paper No. 1203, 10p., 2004.8
- H.Kojima, N.Fukuwa,
and J.Tobita:Dynamic Response of Low and Medium-rise Building Based on Detailed
Observation Considering Soil-Sturcture Interaction, 13th World Conference
on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Paper No. 1243, 9p., 2004.8
- N.Fukuwa, J.Tobita, and H.Kojima : Seismic
Observation Systems in Nagoya University and Publication of Data, , 3rd US-Japan
Soil Structure Interaction Workshop, Menlo Park, 14p., 2004.3
- N. Fukuwa and J. Tobita : Seismic Performance of Building and Soil Structure
Interaction, The 2002 Japan-Taiwan Joint Seminar on Earthquake Mechanisms
and Hazards, Nagoya, pp.56-65, 2002.1
- J. Tobita and N. Fukuwa: Anshin-System :Intercommunication System for Earthquake
Hazard and Disaster Information, The 2002 Japan-Taiwan Joint Seminar on Earthquake
Mechanisms and Hazards, Nagoya, pp.66-67, 2002.1
- Y. Kitada, M. Iguchi, N. Fukuwa, K. Kusakabe, T. Nishikawa, and Y. Shinozaki。ァModel
Test on Dynamic Cross Interaction of Adjacent Buildings in Nuclear Power Plants
社Overview and Outline of Earthquake Observation in the Field Test-, Transactions,
SmiRT 16, Wshington DC, paper #1272, 8p, 2001.8
- N. Fukuwa and J. Tobita : SSI Effect on Dynamic Characteristics of Low &
Medium Rise Buildings Based on Simplified Analysis and Observation, 2nd US-Japan
Soil Structure Interaction Workshop, Tsukuba, 10p., 2001.3
- A. Suzuki, Y. Kitada, M. Iguchi, N. Fukuwa and S. Tamori : Evaluation of
Seismic Input Motions and Responses of Buildings in Nuclear Power Plants,
2nd US-Japan Soil Structure Interaction Workshop, Tsukuba, 17p., 2001.3
- Y. Kitada, T. Kubo, K. Seo and N. Fukuwa : Proposal of a Test Methodology
to Evaluate Non-Linear Soil Structure Interaction, 2nd US-Japan Soil Structure
Interaction Workshop, Tsukuba, 8p., 2001.3
- J.Tobita, N.Fukuwa and M.Nakano。ァEstimation of Deep and Shallow Soil Structures
using H/V Spectrum of Densely Measured Microtremor Records, An International
Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, GeoEng2000, GEE658, 6p.,
- M.Nakano, N.Fukwua and J.Tobita。ァRegional Variation of Ground Motion in Nobi
Plain, Japan, Based on Seismic Records, Microtremor and Geological Data, An
International Conference on Geotechnical & Geological Engineering, GeoEng2000,
GEE645, 6p., 2000.11
- N. Fukuwa, J.Tobita, H. Takai, and E. Ishida。ァEffective Application of Geographic
Information Ssystem in the Field of Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Prevention,
12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.2229, 8p, 2000.1
- J. Tobita, N. Fukuwa and S. Yagi。ァExperimental Evaluation of Dynamic Characteristics
of Low and Medium-Rise Buildings with Soil-Structure Interaction, 12th World
Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.1343, 8p, 2000.1
- K. Tanaka, O. Kurimoto and N. Fukuwa。ァEffect of Underground Topographical
Irregularity to Seismic Amplification in the Nobi Plain, 12th World Conference
on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.0805, 8p, 2000.1
- N. Fukuwa, J.Tobita。ァExamination of Estimated Surface Layer Profiles Based
on Soil Data and Microtremor Records Using Observed Seismic Ground Motions,
12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.2229, 8p, 2000.1
- J. Tobita, N. Fukuwa and R. Nishizaka。ァVibration of Earthquake Ground Motion
in Higashiyama Campus of Nagoya University, 2nd International Symposium on
the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, 1998.12, pp.463-468
- N. Fukuwa , M. A. Ghannad , J. Tobita and R. Nishizaka : Analytical AND
Experimental Studies on the Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on Damping,
Natural Frequency and Effective Input Motion of Buildings, 1st US-Japan Soil
Structure Interaction Workshop, Menlo Park, CA, pp.14-1~14-15, 1998.9
- Y. Kitada, M. Kinoshita, M. Iguchi and N. Fukuwa : Soil-Structure Interaction
Effect on an Npp Reactor Building - Activities of Nupec ; Achievements and
the Current Status -, 1st US-Japan Soil Structure Interaction Workshop, Menlo
Park, CA, pp.18-1~18-14, 1998.9
- R.Nishizaka, Y.Tamura, N.Fukuwa, and J.Tobita : Characteristics of Damping
Ratio and Natural Frequency of Buildings over Wide Range of Amplitude, McNU'97,
The 1997 Joint ASME, ASCE, SES Summer Meeting, 1997.7, p.225
- N. Fukuwa, M.A. Ghannad : Soil-Structure Interaction Effect on the Eigenproperties
of Structure, 11th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., 1996
- R. Nishizaka, N. Fukuwa, S. Yagi and K. Tanaka : A Study on the Effect
of Non-Structural Members on the Eigenproperty of 3 Story Prefabricated Steel
Building Based on Full-Scale Vibration Test, 11th World Conf. Earthq. Eng.,
- N. Fukuwa, R.Nishizaka, S.Yagi, K.Tanaka and Y.Tamura : Field Mesurement
of Damping and Natural Frequency of Actual Steel-framed Building in Wide Range
of Amplitude, IWEF meeting on structural damping, pp.191-204, 1995
- A.Usman, N.Fukuwa, and M.Yamada:Control of Audio-Grade Vibration Transmission
in Welded Structures, EASEC, 1993
- N. Fukuwa, H. Katukura and S. Nakai, Wave Dispersion in the Discrete Analysis
and Proposal of Optimal Mass Modeling, 10th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., 1992,
- S. Nakai, H. Katukura, N. Fukuwa, M. Ebihara and K. Hirose, 'A Knowledge-Based
Structural Analysis Based on an Object-Oriented Approach, 4th International
Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 1991
- S. Nakai, N. Fukuwa, K. Hirose, H. Katukura and M. Ebihara:A Knowledge-Based
Approach to the Structural Analysis of Large Space Stations, 32nd AIAA Structures,
Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, 1991
- H. Katukura, M. Ebihara, K. Hirose, S. Nakai and N. Fukuwa:Object-Oriented
Modeling of Structural Analysis, 2nd US-Japan Conference on Adaptive Sturcture,
- K. Naraoka, N. Fukuwa, K. Watanabe, K. Shioya and C. Minowa :Dynamic Response
Characteristics of Surrounding Soil of Foundation due to Large-Scale Shaking
Table, Int. Symposium 'Foundation for Machines with Dynamic Loads' at Leningrad,
USSR, 1989
- Y. Hayashi, N. Fukuwa, S. Nakai, Y. Koyanagi:Earthquake Response Analysis
Considering Soil-Structure Separation Using Contact Elements and Dynamic Flexibility
of Soil in Time Domain, 9th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., Vol.VIII, 1988, pp.265-270
- I. Takahashi, Y. Koyanagi, N. Fukuwa and K. Yoshida:Dynamic Characteristics
of Base-Isolated Reactor Building Subjected to Various Types of Travelling
Waves, Transaction of 9th Int. Conf. Str. Mech. in Reactor Tech., 1987, 661-666
- S. Nakai, N. Fukuwa, and M. Hasegawa :Approximate Three Dimensional Analysis
of Embedded Structures, 8th World Conf. Earthq. Eng., III, 1984, pp.689-696